...pentru apă de proces, pentru substanțe chimice
Corp: Flanșă, economisind spațiu, PP, ABS, PVDF
Număr de căi: 2/2 căi
Alte caracteristici: ANSI, normal închis, cu dublă acțiune, comutator, pentru capacitate de transport mare...
Con nuestras automatizaciones inteligentes, puedes liberar tiempo para lo que realmente importa. Imagina tener un asistente personal que se encarga de las tareas tediosas y repetitivas, permitiéndote enfocarte en lo que amas hacer.
From zero to hero procurement and supply chain services on behalf of our clients including:
Supply market analysis & Sourcing
Technical specification validation and development
Procurement planning and strategy
Value engineering study to catch the target under budget.
Preparing RFP/RFQ packages, incorporating both engineering and commercial requirements
Issuing the RFP/RFQ packages to the vendors and bid collections on time
Responding to pre- and post-submission clarifications
Formulating the commercial bid evaluation and recommendation to estimate, to shortlist & negotiate, and for award
Recovering the payment terms in line with customer’s financial standarts.
Contracting of suppliers and contract management
Preparation of ‘’Procurement Cash Flow’’ within the frame of payment terms
Definition and implementation of quality assurance and inspection
Organization of transportation and inspection
Logistics management
Unsere flexible Projekt- und Leistungserfassung bringt Transparenz und Übersicht in die erfassten Stunden und erleichtert die effiziente Kostenkontrolle.
Einkaufen gemeinsam in der Gemeinschaft bedeutet durch Bündelung der Bestellungen beim Hersteller wettbewerbsfähige Preise zu erzielen.
Pmax verbindet das klein- bis mittelständige Hydraulikunternehmen mit dem Hersteller. Somit koppeln wir Ihren Einkauf und ermöglichen wettbewerbsfähige Preis und eine garantierte Warenverfügbarkeit.
AB’de 2021'den itibaren belirli ürün etiketlerinde, benzersiz formül tanımlayıcısı (UFI) adı verilen 16 karakterli bir kod olan yeni bir etiket öğesi gerekli olacaktır. Bu tür ürünleri piyasaya süren ithalatçılar ve alt kullanıcılar, zehir merkezlerinin kullanımı için UFI dahil olmak üzere belirli ürün bilgilerini sağlamak zorunda kalacaklar. UFI oluşturmaya yönelik araçlar ve destek, ECHA’nın Zehir Merkezleri web sitesinde mevcuttur.
UFI kısaltmasıyla bilinen benzersiz formül tanımlayıcı, tehlikeli bir karışım içeren ürünlerinizin etiketinde gerekli olacak bir koddur. UFI'ye ek olarak, karışımınız ve zehir merkezlerinin kullanması için ilgili ürünler hakkında bileşim, ticari isim, renk, ambalaj, ürün kategorisi ve toksikolojik bilgiler gibi diğer bilgileri de sağlamanız gerekmektedir. UFI, piyasaya sunduğunuz ürün ile sağladığınız bilgiler arasında net bir bağlantı kurmayı amaçlamaktadır.
SybotX vous accompagne dans votre formation Programmation Hors Ligne - PHL. Nos ingénieurs vous proposent une formation adaptée à vos besoins pour transmettre notre savoir-faire à vos équipes. L'objectif est d'acquérir et de consolider les bases fondamentales ou de favoriser la montée en compétences de vos collaborateurs. Les logiciels vous permettent de vérifier et valider la faisabilité de systèmes robotisés en incluant les étapes suivantes : - Conception - Programmation - Simulation - Optimisation - Documentation - Sécurité - Certains aspects de maintenance. Logiciels proposés à la formation: - RoboGuide : FANUC - MotoSim : YASKAWA MOTOMAN - RobotStudio : ABB - SRS : STÄUBLI - PSI : TECNOMATIX - RobCAD. Les sessions de formations peuvent être organisées dans vos locaux. Elles contiennent une partie théorique et une partie pratique. Public : Débutant - Intermédiaire - Avancé
Alles aus einer Hand und Aufeinander Abgestimmt. Vom Gussteil über den mechanischen Bearbeitungsprozess bis zum Fertig bearbeiteten Bauteil inkl. MFU
Unsere Serienprozessunterstützungen beinhalten folgende Bestandteile:
- Projektierung
- Bearbeitungswerkzeuge Auslegung
- Spannvorrichtung Konzepterarbeitung/ Konstruktion/ Anfertigung
- NC Serienprogrammerstellung, wenn gewüscht inkl. Vorort NC-Programm Inbetriebnahme, MFU
- Anwendungstechnik, Prozessoptimierung, Taktzeitoptimierung
- Automatisierung, Prüf- und Sonderanlagenbau
Process optimization - how to get started?
Any company that wants to maintain improved processes in the long run must first consider a vision, direction or goal (1). The most effective way to successfully motivate employees is clear communication of vision, direction and goals. Process optimization requires a change in the current way of working, so it is very important for employees to identify with the vision, direction and goals of the company.
Once the direction is confirmed and agreed, the current situation needs to be effectively analyzed to optimize the process (2). Understanding the current situation without subjective ballast is the key to effective process optimization. Employees directly involved in the process participate in the analysis of the current situation and systematically present the current situation using lean methods.
The cleaning process must be designed to eliminate specific contaminants and particles from machined workpieces and parts in order to achieve the required technical cleanliness. For the wet cleaning of parts, the four parameters of the Sinner's Circle need to be combined and adjusted for optimised efficiency.
PERO units offer efficient cleaning mechanics and reliable process control. According to the Sinner's Circle, the cleaning result is determined by four basic variables. By adjusting and combining these interrelated variables, it is possible to optimise any cleaning process. Good mechanical design of a cleaning unit optimises the mechanics of the process, which generally means that cleaning is completed in less time and with less resources.
Kanban, Supermarkt- und Konsignationslager, aber auch unser regionales Zuliefernetz garantieren permanente Warenverfügbarkeit. Unsere hohe Eigenfertigungstiefe ermöglicht eine schnelle und flexible Fertigung.
Wir sichern die Materialversorgung für die Fertigung Ihres Produkts.
Ürünlerinizin üretiminden kaynaklanan sera gazı emisyonlarının detaylı bir analizini sağlar. Bu, üretim prosesinizin çevresel etkisini anlamanıza ve emisyonları azaltmak için değişiklik yapılması gereken alanları belirlemenize yardımcı olur.